recent talks
Diamonds of integrable models,
Workshop on Noncommutative and Generalized Geometry in String theory, Gauge theory and Related Physical Models,
Corfu Summer Institute, September 2024.
An introduction to 4d Chern-Simons and related theories,
Integrability in low-supersymmetry theories, Hotel Palazzo Filisio, Trani, July 2024.
Trigonometric and elliptic deformations of strings on AdS3 backgrounds,
Quantum Field and String Theory Seminar, Humboldt University Berlin, June 2024.
Workshop on Integrable Sigma-Models, ETH Zurich, May 2024.
Integrable sigma models and the string worldsheet,
Fundamental Challenges in Theoretical Physics (COST Action 22113 Kick-off Meeting), University of Padua, May 2024.
Diamonds of integrable deformations,
Mathematics and Theoretical Physics Seminar, University of Hertfordshire, December 2023.
New Perspectives in Conformal Field Theory and Gravity (DESY Theory Workshop), DESY Hamburg, September 2023.
Integrable deformations of Z2 and Z4 permutation cosets,
Quantum Field and String Theory Seminar, Humboldt University Berlin, March 2023.
Fields, Strings, and Geometry Seminar, University of Surrey, November 2022.
QFT, Strings and Beyond Seminar, ETH Zurich, May 2022.
Integrability in String Theory,
Durham Maths Research Day, Durham University, September 2022.
Integrable deformations and quantum corrections,
Integrability in String, Field, and Condensed Matter Theory, KITP, Santa Barbara, September 2022.
The relation between Yang-Baxter deformations and perturbations of gauged WZW models,
Mathematical Physics Seminar, University of York, February 2022.
North British Mathematical Physics Seminar, Durham University, November 2021.
Yang-Baxter deformations of the Principal Chiral Model plus Wess-Zumino term,
Workshop on New Developments in Quantum Gravity and String Theory, Corfu Summer Institute, Online, September 2021.
Quantum Field and String Theory Seminar, Humboldt University Berlin, Online, February 2021.
Integrability in String Theory,
CPT Colloquium, Durham University, Online, February 2021.
Sigma models with local couplings: a new connection between integrability and RG flow,
Nuclear and Particle Physics Seminar, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Online, November 2020.
Integrability in Gauge and String Theory, Online, August 2020.
Integrable sigma models and 2-loop renormalisation group flow,
Theoretical Particle Physics and Cosmology Seminar, University of Copenhagen, February 2020.
Gravitational Physics Seminar, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Potsdam, October 2019.
Yang-Baxter deformations with Drinfel'd-Jimbo R-matrices,
Conformal Field Theory in Higher Dimensions, Independent University of Moscow, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology,
and Higher School of Economics, September 2019.
Integrable deformations of the AdS5 × S5 superstring: resolving some puzzles,
Quantum Field and String Theory Seminar, Humboldt University Berlin, June 2019.
Integrability, duality and beyond, University of Santiago de Compostela, June 2019.