ben hoare

latest papers

  • Gauging the diamond: integrable coset models from twistor space,
         LT Cole, RA Cullinan, B Hoare, J Liniado, DC Thompson,
         JHEP 2412 (2024) 202, [arXiv:2407.09479].

  • Inequivalent light-cone gauge-fixings of strings on AdSn × Sn backgrounds,
         R Borsato, S Driezen, B Hoare, AL Retore, FK Seibold,
         Phys. Rev. D109 (2024) 106023, [arXiv:2312.17056].

  • Elliptic deformations of the AdS3 × S3 × T4 string,
         B Hoare, AL Retore, FK Seibold,
         JHEP 2404 (2024) 042, [arXiv:2312.14031].

  • Integrable deformations from twistor space,
         LT Cole, RA Cullinan, B Hoare, J Liniado, DC Thompson,
         SciPost Phys. 17 (2024) 008, [arXiv:2311.17551].

  • Towards a quadratic Poisson algebra for the subtracted classical monodromy of symmetric space sine-Gordon theories,
         F Delduc, B Hoare, M Magro,
         J. Phys. A57 (2024) 065401, [arXiv:2309.15722].

  • Bi-η and bi-λ deformations of ℤ4 permutation supercosets,
         B Hoare, N Levine, FK Seibold,
         JHEP 2304 (2023) 024, [arXiv:2212.08625].

  • Integrable supersymmetric deformations of AdS3 × S3 × T4,
         B Hoare, FK Seibold, AA Tseytlin,
         JHEP 2209 (2022) 018, [arXiv:2206.12347].

  • Integrable deformations of sigma models,
         B Hoare,
         J. Phys. A55 (2022) 093001, [arXiv:2109.14284].

  • Dual description of η-deformed OSp sigma models,
         M Alfimov, B Feigin, B Hoare, A Litvinov,
         JHEP 2012 (2020) 040, [arXiv:2010.11927].

  • Yang-Baxter deformations of the Principal Chiral Model plus Wess-Zumino term,
         B Hoare, S Lacroix,
         J. Phys. A53 (2020) 505401, [arXiv:2009.00341].

  • Sigma models with local couplings: a new integrability–RG flow connection,
         B Hoare, N Levine, AA Tseytlin,
         JHEP 2011 (2020) 020, [arXiv:2008.01112].

  • Integrable sigma models and 2-loop RG flow,
         B Hoare, N Levine, AA Tseytlin,
         JHEP 1912 (2019) 146, [arXiv:1910.00397].

  • My PhD thesis, The S-matrix of the Pohlmeyer-reduced AdS5 × S5 superstring, can be found ↪ here.
         An up to date version with typographical errors corrected is maintained ↪ here.
  • – links to my pages on arXiv, INSPIRE, ORCID, Scopus, and Google Scholar